Thursday 18 December 2014

Natural Organic Ayurvedic bath powder recipe for days baby and baby head bath powder

I have been practicing nice, natural, organic, healthy and aromatic bath procedure for my baby girl since on her 12th day on-wards and results were wonderful. I took this recipe from DR. Elchuri videos

Buy following herbs from any near by ayurvedic/drug stores

1. Psoralea Corylifolia / Babchi / Bavanchalu (Telugu) choornam - 100gms

Uses of Psoralea Corylifolia / Babchi / Bavanchalu
The most amazing aspect of this plant is that every part of it is useful. Roots, stems, leaves, seeds, and whatever blooms it has, all are used to treat a variety of skin problems, such as leukoderma, skin rashes, infections, and others. It is given the name “Kushtanashini” (leprosy destroyer). P. corylifolia is a very ancient remedy for leukoderma; it has been tried extensively not only by the practitioners of the Indian medicine but also by the followers of the Western system. The furanocoumarins, which contain psoralens, promote pigmentation. The powder is used by Vaidyas internally for leprosy and leukoderma and externally in the form of paste and ointment. Oil has a powerful effect on the skin Streptococci. It helps fight vitiligo, a disorder in which patches of skin lose their pigmentation. It is used in the inflammatory diseases, mucomembranous disorders, dermatitis, and edematous conditions of the skin. It also alleviates boils and skin eruptions. The plant has blood purifying properties. It is used to treat itching red papules, itching eruptions, extensive eczema with thickened dermis, ringworm, rough and discolored dermatosis, dermatosis with fissures, and scabies. It has shown to improve the color of skin, hair, and nails.

2. Cyperus rotundus / Nut grass / Thunga choornam - 100 gms

Uses of Cyperus rotundus / Nut grass / Thunga
The tuber and rhizome are used to treat abdominal problems, particularly peptic ulcer, diarrhoea and dyspepsia, and as a carminative, demulcent, analgesic and diuretic, as well as for amenorrhoea and dysmenorrhoea. It is used also for skin conditions including scorpion bite, inflammation, wounds, sores and oedema; cold and congestion, impotence and hypertension. It has anthelmintic, antibacterial and fungicidal activities and has been used for many other complaints.

3. Maredu aaku chooram - 100 gms

4. Maredu pandu gujju choornam - 100 gms
5. Menthulu/Methi choornam - 100gms
6. Vepa aakula chooram - 100gms
7. Tulasi choornam - 100 gms
8. Majista choornam - 100 gms
9. Kasturi pasupu choornam - 100 gms
Bath Powder
10. Green pesallu choornam/powder - 900 gms

Basic logic is that  50% herbs + 50% Bath powder should constitute your whole bath powder mix. Example - say 9 herbs, each 100gms, total 900gms  so add 900gms green pesalla powder to 900gms herb mix. You can alter your herbs composition by altering green pesalla powder quantity accordingly. You can skip few herbs if you want to.

If you find any rashes on your baby skin using this powder after a day or two then immediately stop using it and follow your doctor's advice. This is very very very rare case so don't worry. My baby girl is all fine.

Mix all above 10 ingredients perfectly with hand or anything that is easier for you.  Use 2-3 spoons of above bath powder and mix with sufficient water and make a thick paste out of it and use it to cleanse your baby body, face and all other areas except head. For head bath I use chekkapodi look below for more information.

This is optional tip you can skip if its too much for you to handle. Put two flower full of rose petals into tumbler or bucket full of water and soak them overnight, this is nothing but ROSE water a very regular item but fresh hand made. Use whole water during entire bath by adding little bits to your warm/hot water. Rose water is coolant in nature, very aromatic, good cleanser and very good re-freshener for your baby skin.

For head bath I use powder known as chekkapodi (recently got to know name of this herb as geekureni aaaku). This powder is natural head bath powder or shampoo  that gives lather in second attempt by cleansing dust in first go. This particular powder available exclusively in NELLORE. Currently  I stay in hyderabad and whole city don't even have a clue what is chekkapodi and I doubt in other places or cities as well except nellore. Even in nellore you got to ask as chekkapodi powder if you say geekureni there then they too will not have a  clue what you are looking for. 

Hope this helps. Thank you. Watch out for more from me.

If anyone looking for any thing else do let me know i will try to help if I can.


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